Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Oh my god. [Manic Monday]

This is possibly the coolest bride I have ever seen.

Yesterday's schedule:

6:15 AM - Woke up
7:00 AM - Left the house
7:30 AM - Starbucks
7:45 AM - Got to school
8:00 AM - Proctored final [including being a scribe for a special needs student]
11:00 AM - Official end of final, beginning of grading meeting
12:30 PM - End of grading meeting, supposed beginning of rehearsal :/
2:00 PM - Special needs student end of final, actual beginning of rehearsal
4:00 PM - End of rehearsal, trip to pick up wheelchair
4:30 PM - Beginning of second rehearsal
5:30 PM - End of second rehearsal, food break, more grading
7:00 PM - Makeup/Props/Setup
7:30 PM - Beginning of Directing Studio final performance
11:00 PM - End of Directing Studio final performance
11:30 PM - Arrive home
12:30 PM - Bed


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