Sunday, December 02, 2007


Here's the breakdown of the last two weeks -

Sunday: Birthday shopping with Mom, had lobster for dinner. Ended up puking all night starting around 3 am from some sort of food poisoning, fun fun fun.

Monday: Stopped throwing up about noon and slept for hours. Left home at 6 pm instead of earlier as hoped, got to Cj's grandpa's house around 11 pm after coming this close to running out of gas.

Tuesday/Wednesday: Spent a lovely couple of days with Cj's grandpa, Uncle, and friends before going to Cj's parents house for Thanksgiving.

Thursday: Turkey Day at Cj's sister-in-law's. Good all around.

Friday: Birthday/Christmas extravaganza! Got many lovely things including sewing stuff and an AWESOME black and pink diamond-patterned afghan that Cj's mom crocheted for me. Went out to dinner at an italian restaurant and had the ultimate comfort food: Spaghetti with Meatballs. Left the place and drove home, getting back at about 2 am.

Saturday: Started work on my first paid professional show. Tech all day, preview performance at night. Came home around 11.

Sunday: see above

Monday: Worked an event at my other job in the evening. Came home around 11.

Tuesday - Thursday: Tech during the day, show at night. Two out of three nights before opening I stayed up until 5 am and got up between 7 and 8 to try and finish everything for my applications on time. I then proceeded to do a couple of days with two preview shows in a row (3pm and 8pm). MADNESS ENSUES.

Friday and Saturday: Rushed and sent in my applications. One got there on time, one time the post office was closed and I had to have my fiancee use the automatic machine to make sure it would get postmarked on time. The second time I forgot one application fee which I then had to fed ex (late) today with a note of apology. Opened the show on friday (my real birthday) and went to an awesome opening night party where I had my favorite drink, a Lemon Drop with tequila instead of vodka.

Two shows yesterday, two shows today, a bit of a break tomorrow until the evening, when I work retail at my second job. Luckily I don't have any more applications due until January.

AAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaand scene.

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